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Feel the Fear one year on....

I can remember distinctly the exact moment in time that I decided that I wanted to be a Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway ® workshop leader and must admit I thought I had about as much chance of succeeding as I did of flying to the moon! But I thought to myself “come on Grace, what Susan would think of such a defeatist attitude?” and so I set about emailing Mark Shelmerdine to ask how I went about applying. I was totally and utterly surprised when, after sending my application form back, I got a lovely email from Mark asking me if he could contact me and speak to me further.

I had an interview via Skype with Mark the week prior to Christmas last year and was delighted when he said he would be happy if I would join their team and become a Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway ® workshop trainer! Wow I had done it!!! It really made my Christmas I can tell you!

My first workshop was scheduled for April and I was in a whirlwind getting prepared for it. Of course I had never done anything like this before however I kept reading Susan’s books and telling myself I could do this and that if Mark Shelmerdine had faith in me then I should certainly have faith in myself also. So I set about designing my website and doing some serious thinking as how I wanted this to work.

I cannot begin to describe the feeling I got when I got my first enquiry and ultimately my first ever booking for my workshop! It was the most amazing feeling and it was just the beginning, before I knew what had happened all of the places were booked and I was on my way to doing my first Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway ® workshop. There was lots of work and preparation to do and my head was full of ideas of how I wanted this to run but more so, what I wanted people to gain from attending.

The big day arrived and I was absolutely terrified, I felt physically ill and the dreaded chatterbox was having a field day! But I kept thinking of Susan’s first teaching experience which she talks about in Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway ® and kept saying my favourite affirmation “it’s all happening perfectly” over and over again. My students started to arrive and we started the go around so that everyone got to know each other. You could actually feel the atmosphere change as everyone started chatting and my workshop was on its way! What amazed me most about that day was the dynamics of the group, how my students opened up to each other and shared their thoughts and fears but mostly how they helped each other and encouraged each other to Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway! My earlier nerves had left me completely and I can only say by the end of the day I felt like I was flying! I had read this book some 16 years ago, it saved my life and has been my bible ever since and here I was running my own workshop and passing on Susan’s teachings! It was the best feeling in the world, closely followed by the buzz of reading my student’s evaluation sheets, and knowing that I had actually made a difference to someone’s life and helped to motivate them to feel their fears… and do it anyway!

I cannot thank everyone individually but I could not have done it without the support of my lovely partner Mike, my girls, Bernie and Becky and also the support of my friends and colleagues at the GP surgery where I work. Also a huge thank you to Mark Shelmerdine for all his advice, support and encouragement through this first amazing year, but mostly to the fantastic people who have attended my workshops this year, I am both honoured and flattered that you have let me be part of your lives.

I am looking forward to more workshops in 2017, meeting yet more amazing people and to continuing to pass on the legacy and teachings of Dr Susan Jeffers PhD! Thank you Susan without you none of it would be possible!


​© 2016 by Grace Platten for "Feel the fear and do it anyway" (Jeffers, 2007). Proudly created with

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